You should clothe yourselves with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. This is how the holy women made themselves beautiful. They put their trust in God. (1 Peter 3:4-5 NLT)



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Revamp Yourself

The lack of attention from men should never make you feel insecure?

I’m sure everyone has heard about the Ayesha Curry statement as she sat at the Red Table a couple of weeks ago. This blog post is not to bash any female nor is it to make anyone feel uncomfortable or insecure.

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Catch That Thought & Release Positive Energy

Some days are good while other days are bad but what I realized is I can’t let those bad days affect my release of positive energy. Yes, I love life and I love to be loved but to be bluntly honest those rough moments really take a toll on me and my interactions with people.

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Exhale……Just Breathe!

Inhale….Exhale; Just BREATHE!

A lot has transpired over the past few months and I’ve been up and down with my emotions. What I’ve realized is consistency is a key factor in succeeding. We have several visions and goals that we want to achieve but when you lack accountability, patience, and consistency.

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