Revamp Yourself

The lack of attention from men should never make you feel insecure?

I’m sure everyone has heard about the Ayesha Curry statement as she sat at the Red Table a couple of weeks ago. This blog post is not to bash any female nor is it to make anyone feel uncomfortable or insecure. I simply have an opinion and a concern for all the Ayesha’s in the world.

It saddens my spirit that we as women only feel secure in ourselves when someone else acknowledges how beautiful we are. Yes, we have babies, grow older, and develop differently but it’s a part of human nature.

Honestly, I get it! Yes, the attention boosts your ego and allows your pride to feel taller than usual in some environments.

My concern is how you feel about yourself when you get 0 attention. No one honks the horn or stares at you when you’re walking by. Does that really mean you’re not “killing it” or you’re not looking amazing? Excuse my French but HELL No!! We as women have to start believing in ourselves and accept the external & internal flaws.

💕It shouldn’t matter how much attention you get from men.

💕It should not matter if someone notices you from across the room.

💕It shouldn’t matter if someone admires your beauty.

💕It shouldn’t matter what anyone thinks or how they feel about your outer appearance.

None of it really matters if you don’t see it or feel that way about yourself.

Self-confidence is a big deal! No, it doesn’t mean you’re “stuck up”. It simply means you trust, love, and admires yourself more than others.

✅So what…if he didn’t notice your new dress

✅So what… if they think she’s cute (I do too)

✅So what… he didn’t smile or look at you

Nothing is more attractive to a man than a woman who has high self-esteem and self-assurance in herself. Walk confidently and boldly despite the unnecessarily wanted attention. Believe you killing the game even if the compliments never come. A compliment is only an expressive behavior to boost your morals. When you set standards and act accordingly those compliments become nagging bugs in your ear.

#poisegirlspeaks #knowyourworth #girlstandards #girlmorals #selflove #selfconfidence


Be Free In Your Skin!


Catch That Thought & Release Positive Energy