Exhale……Just Breathe!

Inhale….Exhale; Just BREATHE!

A lot has transpired over the past few months and I’ve been up and down with my emotions. What I’ve realized is consistency is a key factor in succeeding. We have several visions and goals that we want to achieve but when you lack accountability, patience, and consistency. That dream seems a little less impossible to accomplish.

We’ve basically become a microwave generation! We are so spoiled with technology, that we literally want everything to happen within a tap of the button. Honey, let me tell you that’s not proactive and it’s very ineffective. Accomplishing dreams and visions takes hard work, consistency, failure, and major confidence in yourself to keep going.

I will be thirty-one years of age on Sunday and I absolutely feel that I haven’t begun to scratch the surface of my destiny. There is so much work to do and it’s not going to happen overnight. I literally had to take a moment away from life and JUST BREATHE. While constantly reminding myself “It’s okay sis, you were built for the journey”.

Self-motivation and encouragement help me keep a leveled head. It’s ok to take a moment to regain your mental capacity. This is what I call “A mental break”. An inner detox that allows you to inhale & exhale as you strategize and prioritize your thoughts so you’re not overwhelmed.

This formula has become a daily task for me to stay calm in the midst of Chaos and get back to branding, building, and working on my vision and dreams.

During that time, a lot of people who I thought were there were just a figment of my dream. Life happens and people get cut off. Don’t let it be a hindrance to your success story. Trust the process and follow the cloud.

~Poise Girl


Catch That Thought & Release Positive Energy


Look In The Mirror!