Catch That Thought & Release Positive Energy

Catch that Thought & Release positive energy

Some days are good while other days are bad but what I realized is I can’t let those bad days affect my release of positive energy. Yes, I love life and I love to be loved but to be bluntly honest those rough moments really take a toll on me and my interactions with people. A lot of times it’s sort of hard to shake back. Things were so tough one day that my nail technician had to tell me to “stop overthinking and relax”. It caught me by surprise because I was daydreaming about something that happened at work the day before. I suddenly smiled and Thanked her.

I often slip away and get lost in my thoughts with the “what if’s, I should’ve said this, I should’ve done that “ and it takes me away from what I’m physically doing and releases negative energy unknowingly. I have to catch myself from drifting off into the world of negativity and bring myself back to earth by replacing those thoughts with something amusing or positive.

This certainly doesn’t ignore or diminish the fact that a lot of things have happened that causes you to feel strive, rage or turmoil. That’s okay to deal with internally but don’t let those unsettling thoughts linger because it releases negative energy to those around you. Yes, your internal thoughts affect people too. It has a lot to do with your energy level and how people interact with you. Have you ever heard of the phrase “they gave me bad vibes or they rubbed me the wrong way “?

That’s exactly what your presence does when you’re in a “bad mood or you don’t feel like being bothered “. You’re allowing your mental stability to release negative energy giving a bad vibe to those individuals who are in your presence.

I didn’t realize how important my personal thoughts were until people who I was once close to started drifting away slowly. In my mind, I physically didn’t do anything wrong but the bad energy I gave during our personal interactions is what set them astray. I had to really open my mind to see that it’s not just about me but those too who I’m connected to. There’s a scripture that says it’s okay to grieve but don’t stay there in dismay……

My interpretation of that is it’s okay to be mad, hurt, upset, sad, or even a Lil rebellious but don’t drown or overwhelm yourself with the pain. The minute you deal with your thoughts catch them and replace them with positive thoughts to help increase your level of positive energy and good vibes. Being Poise has a lot to do with the vibes and energy you release into your community. Your presence can either validate or diminish your character whether you’re in a bad or good mood. The choice is yours.


Heart check

What are you going to do to release more positive energy?


Revamp Yourself


Exhale……Just Breathe!