The Shattered Girl Inside!

In society today, our girls are viewed as many things; some are good and others are not. Now in the new era, there are a lot of women empowering movements rising up due to how society has labeled the “girls”. Girls are nothing more than a derogatory name that makes them look down on themselves because of how they are viewed and treated in (our) world. It’s confusing and sometimes difficult for young girls to just be themselves and enjoy their youthful days while growing up without a positive example of how women should look, act, or be treated. Honestly, a girl’s true identity comes from her father. Let me explain my viewpoint so that you will understand my thought process. When turning on the television screen, what do you see? I’ll tell you what I see…. I see women scandalizing each other, being catty and vicious toward one another because of a man. Why? I’ll tell you why… because we’ve settled for a mediocre way of living and can’t see the true value in ourselves because we didn’t have a father or a male figure to tell us that We Are Beautiful, Smart, Loving, Worthy, Strong and Powerful. There’s something about a man building up his daughter and assuring her in herself so she won’t settle in her future for someone who doesn’t treat her as her father did. Think about this…. the man you with 9/10 times acts just like your father Whether it’s good or bad…. right. Ha! My husband today is everything that I despised about my father. As a young girl, I always had my stepfather and I love him for being there; but there were times that I would beg for his attention because I craved a closeness that I would only get from my biological father. I never received that closeness from him and today I’m married to a man who reminds me every day of how I wanted to be loved and treated by my biological father. I said all this to say If you have a daughter or a young girl in your circle talk to her frequently and allow her to spend as much time as possible with her biological father to secure her desirable needs as a girl growing up in today’s society.


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