How Important Is Dating?

Consistency with dating is so important in relationships and marriages especially when children are involved. The time away is definitely needed to remind your spouse or significant other WHY…. why I fell for you, why I love you, why I adore you, why I appreciate you, why I chose you, and why I married you. I would tell my husband without being reminded WHY….things could turn bad if you avoid the “A” word…Affirmation. Affirmation is the same thing you did, to whew over the one you fell in love with weeks, months, or years ago. So take the time to casually date your spouse or significant other consistently. The “Special Alone time” will solve a lot of dilemmas and open up another realm of communication in your relationship while reminding them “WHY”!

#dateyourspouse #dateyourfriend #dateyourpartner

Some may agree and some may disagree but this worked for me!

#kieleefamous #poisegirlspeaks


The Shattered Girl Inside!


Can You Really Have It All?