Brave Chicks Never Quit!

Are you a brave chick? Have you been faced with an adversary and still standing? Do people ask you, “How do you smile” in the middle of chaos? Are you wondering how did you make it this far? Well, guess what….. You, my friend, are a Brave Chick and I salute you, Poise girl.

Can I be transparent for a moment and share a piece of my testimony?

People would ask me often, “Girl, how do you do it?” Of course, I’m oblivious to what they're talking about because I’m just living and caring for my 2 sons not doing anything special or spectacular. I’m an average working woman (a mom, wife, and career-driven lady) who will stop at nothing to assure her children are cared for, including her husband because sometimes men can be children too (LOL) but that’s another blog post. I’ve said all that to say most women are naturally strong by their actions, behavior, character, or how they communicate with others.

Honestly, no one knows the private & internal struggles I face daily and how I hide my true feelings behind the smile that everyone compliments me on. I’ve overcome serval challenges by just smiling while remaining quiet and still as I endure the hardest obstacles that are unknown to many. This is called being BRAVE! Although women are emotional creatures and we make a lot of decisions based on those different emotions, but this one trait should not categorize your motions and decisions in life. My favorite thing I love to tell others is “I’m just riding this wave called life”. Picture yourself as a surfer, what do they do? Yes! they ride waves, but it doesn’t matter how big or small the wave coming at them may look……they never get off their surfboard. #nowthatsbrave

What do you think will happen if they get off the board in the middle of a wave?

The point is that most of the time, the size expectancy of the wave is always unknown, just as the challenges we are faced with in life. No one ever knows the size of the wave or how long they’ll have to ride it out until it’s over. What that means is whatever occurs in your life just keep riding the waves until the end. The key to mastering the waves of the ocean is to remain calm and steady despite the size of the waves and how strong the winds are going to be…. yes, it will surely shake you back and forth…. but don’t fall off the board (don’t get caught up in your natural emotions of how it makes you feel internal) just keep steady and keep pressing. Even if you do fall, it’s okay! Yes, it’ll be challenging and you may fall off again and again but if you remain calm, and quiet while riding the wave each one after will become a little less challenging and a little smoother the next time you fall and get back on the board.

Ladies being BRAVE simply means showing strength or courage while enduring hardship. So the smile that others see will show strength and bravery. Despite the times you fell or when things occurred around you such as Close Deaths in the family, physical and verbally Abusive relationships, Emotional Rejection, the lack of resources, marital problems, children behavior issues and etc. remain humble and endure the hardships during that season.

Yes, it’s hard to remain quiet when so much is happening at once but when you’re quiet and still your response to a lot of that crisis will help you create a positive solution. God can only direct us when we are quiet and in a place where we can hear and respond accordingly. A wise person once said, “A fool reacts quickly with no hope of the future, while a wise person thinks before reacting to assure a solution is in place before speaking”. In order to be brave in life, you must always show strength and never give up. Just Have Faith!

So I ask the question again, Are you a Brave Chick?


Push Yourself Free!


The Shattered Girl Inside!