Be Free In Your Skin!

Hey Poise Girl,

Today I want you to think about those moments when you wanted to run away because of adversity.

💕Remember you wanted to crawl under a rock because life was throwing bricks 🧱 instead of grapes 🍇.

💕Remember you wanted to be anyone else during those trials of hardship.

💕I remember because that’s me! Every day I’m not internally confident in myself.

💕 Yes, I have natural moments where I wanna cry until I melt away.

I use to try & identify myself with other females until I realized that was exhausting. I wasn’t tired of life, I was tired of trying to be someone else. I was tired of living a life that was meaningless. A life that wasn’t mine, to begin with. I wasn’t that girl anymore who partied every weekend and woke up drunk & started drinking some more. I wasn’t that girl anymore and neither are you. Stop wasting time & putting forth so much effort trying to be someone you’re not.

You’ll never be satisfied with the end result!

It’s much easier and less stressful to just be yourself. Ladies, young and old.

YOU ARE ENOUGH just the way you are.

No matter how tall, short, big, little, black, white, green or orange.

💚Just Be FREE in your OWN SKIN‼️

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Self Talk Tuesday 💖


Revamp Yourself