Can You Really Have It All?

This past weekend, I went to the movies with my mom to see “Girls Trip”…..EXCELLENT MOVIE by the way. There was a scene in the movie where this character “Ryan” played by Regina Hall wrote a book entitled “You can have it all”. It was at that moment when my brain begins to tickle and ponder curiously with the question “Can I really have it all?”

I began to have flashes of the past, present, and future days of my life with the desire to have what`s already before my eyes…A HEALTHY LIFE! I think it’s safe to say that we are honestly having materialistic thoughts when we use this term loosely. It was never about being happy in our skin, but having the “Life” that the world says we should have… with the Dreamhouse, 6-figure income, faithfully husband/wife, respectful children, luxury cars, etc.” Is this really what “having it all” consist of to the society? It makes me think, what does having it all really mean to me? Once I obtain what society says I should have, then what? Will I be “living the dream”, probably not. Most people who have it all go through hell trying to obtain it or keep it because they become caught up in the dream of proving themselves to people and forget about what’s most important…Happiness, life, family, friends, and most importantly God. I want it all but not at that cost of missing out on memories with the ones who mean the most to me. How can you have it all and not neglect those who support your success? Think about it…Having those materialistic things take time away from those people.

So I figured, I already have it all, because it’s been staring right back at me in the mirror…..ME! Once you are in total control of your life, emotions, and peace of mind….Having it all has already been claimed, earned, and received!

Take time out of your busy schedule today and make memories with the ones who supported you, loved you despite the countless times you ignored their calls because you were too busy trying to get it all. Memories last longer than the very thing we are too busy striving to achieve. Having it all is being happy where you are and being grateful to have the freedom to do what people outside of America fight for “LIFE” Be happy, live the life you were given un-apologetically, love to love, and be okay with you! You can have it all because you are a child of God, the creator of everything. MWAH #poisegirlspeaks


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