Look In The Mirror!

  • Do ever wake up and look in the mirror and not like the person starring back at you?

  • Are you still hiding behind the false identity of being perfect with your makeup and trendy fashion labels?

  • Did you forgive yourself for the past mistakes you’ve made?

  • How can you look in the mirror and love the person you see again?

I’m glad you asked……

Life has a way of catching you by surprise; Especially when you think that you have it all figured out. I use to lay in my bed at night full of thoughts, hopes, and dreams while my heart silently ached with rage and regret. Regret of the past, new and old pain that I had. Rage from being involved in a domestic relationship and allowing someone to control my emotions. Self rage often resulted in negative images and thoughts that I consistently told myself, which lead to the decisions I`ve made out of fear.

I use to say.. “LIVE LIFE WITH NO REGRETS”, “BE UNAPOLOGETIC ABOUT EVERYTHING.” Little did I know that I lacked the true knowledge of that which resided within. I honestly didn’t know what I was saying because I was the person who didn’t apologize about anything even if I was wrong. But I was living life unapologetically and on the edge. I basically used the statement as a crutch to live rebelliously. Constantly crying out daily as I asked myself periodically … HOW DID I GET HERE; Why did I have so much rage and regret? I hated the person I was back then, even with all the social media pictures I took and the places I went….. it still didn’t help resolve the inner resentment I felt towards myself. Oh, but God has a humorous way of using the people you love to bring out the TRUTH about you.

My husband was the person that God used to reveal my TRUTH. It was hard to accept a lot of the things he uses to say about me because I had my own outer image of how I thought people saw me. Then my husband came along and flipped my little fairy tale world upside down with the hard truth exposing how I was really viewed to him. Let me say, no one can be more honest with you than your spouse. It was horrible and hurtful but it was the TRUTH. Honestly, I resented him for a long time due to the inner offensiveness that I felt but God reminded me daily that it was necessary for my internal growth. I had to take a long look in the mirror and realize that I was broken internally and I didn’t want people to see me like that, so I painted a perfect image of myself that was shattering inwardly.

Yes, it is hard but necessary that you accept the ugly TRUTH about you, even if you’re not ready to expose it. Exposing the ugly truth will bring forth clarity, inner peace, inner love, and unconditional joy that provokes change and creates a healthier you. If I can be honest, this is not an overnight process but it may take months, or even years to get to this place. Find a support system and trusted lifeline sisters to help you through this transition.

In my case, I didn’t have a strong support system due to pride and trust issues. So I had to experience a lot of hardship and grief before I came to the realization that I`m only human and it’s okay to be vulnerable with people. I`m not perfect and everything that I`ve experienced thus far has made me stronger and wiser. It forced me to LOOK IN THE MIRROR and ask ” Do I like or even love the person that`s staring back at me?” It took a while and it’s still a process daily but I like the person who I`ve grown into.

POISE Girls, it’s time to reclaim your inner love and peace. It’s time to cancel fear and stop making excuses for being petty, self-righteous, and prideful. It’s time to break barriers and expose yourself to the truth about yourself. Your future self is waiting on you to Level UP and Make your Life Great again…… Stop blowing up over situations you can’t change and just GLOWUP!!! 🌟🌟

Challenge: Look in the mirror and ask yourself 2 questions.

“Do I like the person that I am”?

“What can I do daily to improve myself for the better”?

Poise Girls, it`s time to Level UP and exposes your Truth.

GLOW UP, Don`t Blow up!



Exhale……Just Breathe!


Love Yourself And Embrace Your Truth!