Push Yourself Free!

Let’s be real for a sec. When I fall for someone and love them… I love hard and unconditionally so I get it. Ladies, a lot of us are staying in these toxic and unhealthy situations, relationships, work environments and etc. because we’ve become accustomed to it. It has literally become too comfortable and we all know that when we are in a place of comfortability we don’t want to move from that comfort zone. Sometimes that may be okay depending on your “situation” but most of the time it’s due to fear or doubt of the unknown. Ladies we’ve allowed intimidation, insecurity, jealousy, rejection, and loyalty (to the wrong people) to establish themselves in our minds where we’re afraid to press forward and move out of an unhealthy lifestyle that is now known to us as the normal way of life.

How do I know? Simply because I lived it. I was “that girl” for half of my adulthood. It may be unbelievable based on my looks and charisma now but I was in a really dark place in my life 7 years ago. I was internally numb to true happiness and avoided anything or anyone that did not satisfy my physical needs at that time… and I was a mother to a little boy.

So Why did I stay in those situations?

Because I was afraid of going through the exact same thing with somebody else. I had low self-esteem, no confidence, and no guidance. Constantly thinking I was unworthy of anything and I would never amount to anything other than what I was and where I was at that time in my life. It was very challenging to get out of that situation and I talked myself out of it many times, training myself to think negatively daily. Where was my support? Who did I talk to about becoming a better me? The answer is NO ONE.

I literally had to make a conscious decision to better myself for myself and my son. I mentally battled with that decision for years, not knowing what to do or who to turn to for help. Occasionally bouncing from bed to bed trying to feel something that was only lasting for a few moments. Contemplating suicide several times because it seemed like an easy answer to my problems but that wasn’t going to solve anything naturally. Whether I’m dead or alive, I would be passing my problems on to my incident son who needed his mother to love him, like she wanted to be loved. So I had a thought, “what would happen to him if I wasn’t around?” Would they love him and teach him how to be independent and strong? Would they show him right from wrong? What would happen to Taylor? There was no answer to those questions and that scared me more than what I was physically faced with. At that moment, I didn’t care about my well-being anymore because he mattered more to me than my own obstacles. “There is No Greater Love than the love of your Mother and Father.” So, I began to slowly put pieces into the life puzzle and went to visit a few churches with a close friend at the time and this one pastor Dr. Landrew read scripture that still resides with me today. He read 2timothy 1:7 “God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind”. It was that day, that I woke up and quickly transitioned into the woman I am today.

I encourage you ladies today to quickly wise up and use the knowledge, power, and love of God to confidently push yourself out of any toxic, negative, or UNHEALTHY situation. There are little people watching and depending on you to make the right decision for them. You were NOT CREATED TO BE USELESS, but created to be USEFUL to someone for greater. What you are encountering and experiencing is a large hurdle, that you can jump over with confidence of accomplishing more. There is much more ahead and many people waiting for you to be the model they need. If you continue to stay there, Don’t cry over spilled milk, if you refuse to make the change for yourself. I don’t know about you but I refuse to be stuck and die useless and wasteful. Yes, what God has for you is for you but those promises are on the other side of that hurdle you’re afraid to jump over.

How bad do you want it???

No more crying to get out of a situation and then going right back to it because it’s your Safety Net. Cancel Fear and step out on faith and trust God for the unseen and the unheard. …A good friend told me to change my way of thinking. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve. Ladies, you must see yourself as the Prize and not the crumbs. The resources you need are available to you and for you through his word, the testimonies, and the teachings. You have the power to do great works and even greater works than Jesus. Walk by Faith and not by sight, it’s all a part of the journey!

If it’s not poking at you to do the works of God, then let it go completely and don’t look back thinking what if, look back with praise and thanksgiving of how far you’ve come and how you didn’t allow that situation to keep you stuck in your present situation. It’s just that Simple!!! FEAR NOTHING OR NOONE BUT GOD!!!


Love Yourself And Embrace Your Truth!


Brave Chicks Never Quit!